
Showing posts from August, 2019

Take your time

“Time exposes people’s intentions and qualities” something that someone said to me recently when I asked them why they don’t think they have found ‘ the one ’ yet. What a great statement and perspective on things?! It really got me thinking about my own personal life and situations that I have been in and I realised that honestly, patience is key and good things really do come to those who wait. The longer you spend just ‘getting to know’ someone, with no labels and no expectations, the better you can see whether you’re actually compatible or not. When I say compatible, I mean in terms of both a friendship and relationship. It’s very easy to get carried away with our feelings and jump into something because at the time it feels right. But then you might find yourself 2 years down the line realising that had you just taken a bit longer getting to know this person you would have noticed all of the red flags before you were so invested in what you now have. That’s the thin...

Change is gonna' come

It comes in good forms and it comes in bad forms, change. Sometimes it comes when you don’t want it, when you’re happy how everything is but you don’t have a choice. There are a lot of things in life that you do have a choice over but ultimately, you cannot control everything. It’s how you handle the unexpected changes that matters. I didn’t ever believe in the “everything happens for a reason” jargon until things unexpectedly changed hugely in my life. The only way you get through big, unexpected life changing moments is by believing that there must be a reason for it happening, that better things will come. If you don’t believe that, you won’t ever truly accept the change. (how many times can I say change in this post?) On the other hand, there are some changes that we can control and choose ourselves, we get to choose our career, who we are surrounded by, what we do in our spare time etc. If you find yourself miserable due to your job, quit – find something else. If ...

Should I stay or should I go?

You’ve been healing, for a while now and you’re in a great place. You’re happy and in the process of moving on. You’re not back to ‘normal’ because what is normal really? But you’re making progress – you no longer wallow in your own self-pity, you laugh more than you cry, you go out with your friends and family and you’re meeting new people! You don’t speak with him, not one word is exchanged for weeks…until you do. Now you’re chatting and of course you get on like a house on fire, as you expected. But you need to stay guarded and protect your heart, protect all of this progress you have made, which is so hard to do, harder than could ever be imagined. You remind yourself that you are not together for a reason, and of all the things he has said and all of the ways he made you feel. No amount of that though, seems to stop you wanting to speak to him. You convince yourself that you can both be friends but realistically you know it’s way too early for that. It’s 5am and you’r...

Do we really have it all?

It’s funny isn’t it? Life. How each of us have such different paths and different things that make us happy and so many of us think we have ‘it all’. But ‘it all’ can mean so many different things. Does it mean 2 kids, a wife/husband, a house? Does it mean owning all of the designer items you could wish for? Does it mean having your own business and being a successful entrepreneur? I think what I’m getting at is that I see how much we compare our lives to others these days and no doubt have said on more than one occasion ‘I wish I had it that easy’ about someone else. However, just because on face value it looks like someone has all of the above and more - a family, a business, loads of designer goods, a beautiful house…does not for one-minute mean they are satisfied. The sad thing is, some people who are exactly as I have described above, will probably never be fully satisfied. They always want more, nothing is ever enough. Personally, my aim right now is to build my ...

This post isn't about me being a fussy eater but may as well be...

I’m going to start this off by saying that you need to work however is best and most productive for you because everyone is different. This is just what works for me and what I find most helpful in day to day life. My job requires me to be someone who forward plans a lot and resolves issues before they arise, expect the unexpected so to speak, or put out fires before they alight perhaps. I’m pretty good at my job, I am great at planning for things which haven’t happened yet and ensure that everything goes to plan and takes place when it needs to. That being said – in my personal life, we’re looking at a totally different person. I’ll let you in on a little secret which isn’t really a secret if you ask any of my family and friends, I am AWFUL - and I mean shockingly bad – at making plans. I don’t like making decisions, whether it’s where to eat, what time to meet up, whether I’m going to an event, what film to see at the cinema – don’t bother asking me because my response wi...


I can’t decide whether I believe in such a thing or not. When you are in a relationship and completely devoted to that person, it is easy to think that they really are your soulmate and that nobody else could possibly make you as happy as they do. You two are so compatible, totally get each other in every sense, have similar interests but not so much that you cannot be individuals also. If you’re anything like me, when in a relationship you see that person as the one you will spend every future experience with. They will be the one who you come home to everyday, share stories from work with, have in-jokes with, the only one who you can be YOU around and not receive any judgement, ever. That being said, is there only one soulmate for each person in this whole world? Realistically speaking, there are 7.5 billion people on the earth and ok you aren’t going to meet anywhere near all of those people to weigh up your options. But do we really think that out of 7.5 billion people...


We won’t ever be this young again. This day, this hour, this minute, it’s the youngest we will ever be for the rest of our lives. If you think about it like that, and think about all of the time you’ve spent worrying over things that now don’t matter, don’t you see how much of a waste it was? All the stress, all the upset, all the anger – for what? You only get one chance at life and none of us know what tomorrow has in store so why are we not living as if every day could be our last? 21 short years I’ve been on this earth, and I’ve already spent so much time on people, feelings, things that didn’t deserve my energy. I’m sure you have too. Tell your family & friends how much you adore and appreciate them every day. Smile at a stranger. Give up your seat on the tube…people will look at you like you’ve lost your marbles…but just do it. Help people if they need help and offer your support and advice where you think it may be needed. Do what makes you happy and live y...

"Life is full of them"

“Mistakes, life is full of them, apparently” Someone once said to me, and that is the honest truth. If you are going through life thinking that nothing is ever your fault and that you haven’t made mistakes then, well you have a big wakeup call coming your way my friend. The fact is, mistakes are what make and shape you as a person. They teach you lessons that you would not learn otherwise, they teach you a lot about yourself and what is right and wrong. I will be the first to admit that I hate being in the wrong and knowing that I am the one who needs to apologise. That being said, I will always own up to it once I realise that it is the case. We all say things we don’t mean, make rash decisions and fuck up every once in a while. Some do this more than others, but at the end of the day - ALL of us do it. Sometimes we will stand by what we have said or done and do not believe we are in the wrong and that’s ok too, but you have affected somebody else with your actions so the...

Social Media - The downfall of the 21st century

It affects us all, social media. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Youtube – every single one will affect you in a type of way if you aren’t careful. They can affect our relationships, mental health, perspective on everything. Why have we given so much power to something which ultimately, is absolutely meaningless?   Who cares if you get 2 likes on a post or 200,000 likes on a post? We all end up in the same place, right? (that’s very morbid, I’m aware). Here’s the thing though, too many of us get so disheartened when we don’t get a certain number of likes – why? I’m asking why because I definitely cannot answer that question myself, it's something that so many of us do but don’t actually understand why we do it.   You scroll through your news feed seeing pictures of airbrushed models and ‘influencers’ and wonder why they are so lucky to get so many likes AND earn money from posting a picture. Would you really want to have to fake how you look and appear just to g...

When Life Gives You Lemons

It’s been a few months since I have posted anything on here, I have missed having somewhere to express my thoughts but sometimes you just need to take a bit of time out. My last post was very happy and optimistic about the last year of my life, all of which was true. However, things haven’t been so great lately and a lot has changed in the space of a few short months, things that I never expected to happen. I’ve quite quickly come to realise that this life is for you, for you to grab and run with, to get what you want and do what you want. You shouldn’t change how you are, what you do or what you want to fit somebody else’s mould. Sometimes that’s a difficult concept to grasp especially when it’s what you’re used to doing and you do it because you want to, because it makes you happy to see others happy. Sometimes that just isn’t enough though and in the end you’re just left with you and ultimately if you can’t be happy in yourself on your own, then where is the point? S...