Do we really have it all?

It’s funny isn’t it? Life. How each of us have such different paths and different things that make us happy and so many of us think we have ‘it all’. But ‘it all’ can mean so many different things. Does it mean 2 kids, a wife/husband, a house? Does it mean owning all of the designer items you could wish for? Does it mean having your own business and being a successful entrepreneur?

I think what I’m getting at is that I see how much we compare our lives to others these days and no doubt have said on more than one occasion ‘I wish I had it that easy’ about someone else. However, just because on face value it looks like someone has all of the above and more - a family, a business, loads of designer goods, a beautiful house…does not for one-minute mean they are satisfied. The sad thing is, some people who are exactly as I have described above, will probably never be fully satisfied. They always want more, nothing is ever enough.

Personally, my aim right now is to build my personal career, get to a great position and be well and truly financially independent (even more than I am now). I don’t believe in these ‘5 year plans’ for business, yes they work. Personal lives however – I disagree. The moment you get the idea into your head that you need to be, let’s say - married with 2 children by the time you’re 29, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. I only say that because you just never know what could happen, what obstacles you could face.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have goals, aims and ambitions but have these with no time limit. It would be NICE to have all of those things by the time you’re X age but if it doesn’t happen it doesn’t happen, that is just life. As I say, my aim right now is to focus on me and my career – maybe I’ll change careers by the time I become a mum (if that is what life wants for me) maybe I won’t be living in the same place as I am right now, maybe I haven’t even met my ‘soulmate’ yet. We just don’t know and that’s the beauty of it.

Set yourself goals but do not limit yourself to those goals, be open to new opportunities because you don’t know where those might take you in the future. You can have your version of ‘it all’ and you will, just be patient and everything will come to you if you work for it.


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