Change is gonna' come

It comes in good forms and it comes in bad forms, change. Sometimes it comes when you don’t want it, when you’re happy how everything is but you don’t have a choice. There are a lot of things in life that you do have a choice over but ultimately, you cannot control everything. It’s how you handle the unexpected changes that matters.

I didn’t ever believe in the “everything happens for a reason” jargon until things unexpectedly changed hugely in my life. The only way you get through big, unexpected life changing moments is by believing that there must be a reason for it happening, that better things will come. If you don’t believe that, you won’t ever truly accept the change. (how many times can I say change in this post?)

On the other hand, there are some changes that we can control and choose ourselves, we get to choose our career, who we are surrounded by, what we do in our spare time etc. If you find yourself miserable due to your job, quit – find something else. If you find yourself miserable due to the people you have surrounded yourself by, distance yourself – let them go and surround yourself with better people. If you are holding yourself back doing something in your spare time because you just aren’t quite sure on whether you should do it or not, just do it. Life is too short to hesitate – you don’t know what could happen tomorrow so whilst you have the ability to make choices and chose the changes that occur, take action.

Change is gonna come, whether you make the decisions or not. Attack each challenge head on and keep a positive mindset because everything happens for a reason and will better your future in one way or another.


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